Mendeksripsikan Pekerjaan Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Kali ini saya akan share mengenai cara mendeksripsikan pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris, mungkin cara mendeksripsikan pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris adalah tugas sobat semua di bangku sekolah atau tugas dari dosen bahasa inggris sobat semua, nah mungkin sebelum mendeksripsikan pekerjaan sobat semua harus menjelaskan sedikit mengenai perusahaan dimana sobat semua bekerja, seperti bidang nya apa dan nama perusahaan nya apa.

mendeksripsikan pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris bisa dimulai dari memperkenalkan nama seperti "My name is Deri Andriyana" kemudian sobat menjelaskan posisi sobat seperti apa dan perusahaan nya seperti apa seperti "I'm Personnel Manager In Pt.Sumber Alfaria Trijaya.TBK" jika dalam suatu perusahaan hanya sobat saja yang menduduki jabatan tersebut makan menambahakan imbuhan "The" atau menjadi I'm The Personnel Manager, dan kemudian barulah menjelaskan job deksripsinya seperti apa berikut akan saya paparkan hasilnya.
My Name is Deri Andriyana I'm the personnel manager in PT.Sumber Alfaria Trijaya.Tbk or Alfamart, my company is engaged in the franchise supermarket.
It is generally held in a company regarding personnel assignments there are three , namely :
- Obtaining labor
- Making labor budget
- Attracting labor
- Create a job analysis , job description and job specification
- Establish and contacting the sources of labor
- Hold a selection of candidates for employment
- Promote or develop workforce
- Train and educate workers
- Promote and labor move
- Undertake an assessment of workforce skills
- Utilizing labor
- Lay off workers
- Workforce retire
- Compensation
- The welfare of employees including payment of wages , housing , recreation , treatment and so forth .

In a company in general we find four kinds of relationships between officers namely :
1 . line relation
2 . functional relations
3 . staff relations
4 . lateral relations
Personnel head unit has three kinds of relationships above are: line relations, functional relations, and lateral relations.
Relation to the line is the relationship between a superior and his subordinates such as giving instructions , providing suggestions and others. With the functional relation is the relationship between officials with something other officials in which the first officer to provide assistance and services to the two officials in his field of expertise . With lateral relations are meant to berkoordiner relations and cooperation between the managers at the same level as the head - head - head or between the head section .
Mungkin sekian yang dapat saya bagikan jika ada kesalahan tolong sobat semua mau meralatnya terimakasih dan sampai jumpa di postingan selanjutnya.

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